
Xbox 4 Vs Xbox One The Showdown

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PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One the Showdown Shigeru once said, “The Obvious objective of video games is to entertain people by surprising them with new experiences.” Since, the early 1990’s, there has only been two heavy weight gaming consoles: PlayStation and Xbox. Over the years, they both have tremendously evolved into impressive gaming consoles. A gaming console is a device which outputs a video image onto a screen. The term “gaming console” is used to distinguish them from arcade machines and computers. Currently, the latest models are the PlayStation 4 (PS4) and Xbox One. Even though, the PS4 and Xbox One are both excellent gaming consoles. They do have a few differences such as price, exclusive games, and exterior/interior design. When buying a gaming consoles, be prepared to spend a lump sum of cash. The PS4 used to cost 400 dollars since being first released back on November 14, 2013, but recently it has dropped down to 350 dollars. The Xbox One price has fluctuated since first being released on November 22, 2013. When it first launched in the United States, the original price was 100 dollars more than that of the PS4’s original price of 400 dollars. In todays society, people or perhaps only me, tend to buy the cheaper options of things. So of course, people brought the PS4 over the Xbox One. Microsoft must have thought their gaming console was far superior than Sony’s gaming console so they made it cost more. This action by Microsoft weakened the Xbox One sales. In

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