
Benefits Of Company On Using Data Mining And Data Warehouse

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Benefits to Company on Using Data Mining and Data Warehouse
Using current database company is providing web portal to the users of the system. For example person sitting in the main office can access information from the web portal currently what are the orders made by a particular sales man and what orders are ready to ship from warehouse. Same way warehouse person can access the orders that need to be shipped. Once the orders are ready warehouse staff can commits through the web portal to acknowledge main office.
This database provides general reports for. E.g. Daily Sales report by product or by customer or by route. These reports are helpful— particularly for real-time reporting —but they don’t allow in-depth analysis. The possibilities for reporting and analysis are endless. When it comes to analyzing data, a static list is insufficient. There’s an intrinsic need for aggregating, summarizing, and drilling down into the data. A data warehouse enables you to perform many types of analysis:
• Descriptive (what has happened)
• Diagnostic (why it happened)
• Predictive (what will happen)
• Prescriptive (what to do about it)
This is the level of analytics required to drive real quality, cost and process improvement in business. Mining and Warehouse Analysis in Detail
In order to provide the detail analytics, we tried to build another database (OLAP) on top of current database to provision them for analytical use. We follow the steps that are mention in the Red block of the

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