
An Example Of Humorous Wedding Speech

Decent Essays

Hello. Just some warnings before you read this. Please don’t expect any fancy words, and mind blowing quotes, or anything special from me, other than myself. In this speech I am not trying to show you that I am superior to all my peers and you should pick me because I know how everything should be. Because that’s not true. In fact, I’m not even sure if I’ll win this election. BUt man, I’ll be bummed out if I don’t. I’ve wanted this since the summer. Not because I get to plan and oversee all the activities that happen - but I do like that part. Not because I bunch of people might vote for me - but I sure do love good ol’ validation. But The reason I want this so badly is for you guys. Since the summer, I’ve been making a list of complaints that my friends have had, that people who aren’t my friends have had, and that I’ve had about our school. …show more content…

I’ve written down what exactly the problem is, and how to possibly fix it, just to get a conversation started. Regardless of whether you vote for me or not, although, if I do get elected it will be 100 times easier to actually hear what you guys hate and get a hold of the admin. But regardless, I will somehow find some way to directly talk to our school administration about this, because I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go to a school that people call a prison. And it shouldn’t be that way, and it wasn’t always like that. But to do that, I need your help. Because I said earlier, I am not some higher being. Sometimes I wish I was though. I am just like you listening to me (or reading this). I hate gym, and I absolutely hate walking in the hallways. All I want is to help lead our school in the right direction, because every year we seem to be taking a step

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