
1.3 Explain how different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate.

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1.3 Explain how different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate. Different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate due to of a lack of understanding or knowledge of one another’s background and culture. This could be through their race, religion, ethnicity or where they come from. Each one of these can have similar or very different ways to communicate. For example Nodding your head usually means 'yes' in most countries, however in some parts of Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey is also means 'no'. Eye contact is important in America and Europe, but it can be rude in most of Asian countries and in Africa. Closing your …show more content…

In sports or other competitive activities, it is also done as a sign of good sportsmanship. Its purpose is to convey trust, respect, balance, and equality. If it is done to form an agreement, the agreement is not official until the hands are parted. Unless health issues or local customs dictate

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