Animal’s People Characters


Animal (Jaanvar) is the 19-year-old Khaufpuri narrator and protagonist of Animal’s People. Born a few days before a factory gas leak tragedy, Animal grew up in an orphanage and on the Khaufpuri streets before returning to Ma Franci’s care. He lives in the abandoned factory of the gas leak accident.

Although he walked upright as a child, neck and back pain twisted his spine to the point that he could only walk on all fours. He cannot remember his real name and identifies as an animal by choice, as he is treated as such and feels like one. Although he outwardly denies his humanity, he yearns for physical and emotional connection.

Animal is clever and funny and often includes stray bits of contemplative rhymes and poetry in his narration. He has an ear and eye for meaning, reading others’ expressions and gestures, hearing their thoughts, and sorting through the voices in his own head.


A brilliant scholar, Zafar left his university studies and moved to Khaufpur after hearing the news of the gas leak tragedy. He has worked as a political activist for nearly two decades since, collecting money for the poor and seeking justice for the Khaufpuris against the Kampani. He is a “saint” and hero to the Khaufpuri people.

Although tired and weary of his many years of largely futile activism, Zafar remains hopeful and diligent in his pursuit of justice. He promotes anti-violence and hates swearing. He is good-looking, bearded, and wears glasses, and is Nisha’s boyfriend before becoming her husband.

Elli Barber

“Doctress” Elli Barber is a Hindi-speaking American doctor and ex-wife of one of the Kampani lawyers sent to Khaufpur to avoid responsibility for the accident. Elli comes alone to Khaufpur to open a free medical clinic for the people affected by the gas leak tragedy. The Khaufpuri people, led by Zafar, distrust Elli’s motives and avoid the medical clinic until she gains Zafar’s trust and blessing. She is initially an object of lust for Animal, who admires her tight blue jeans and spies on her at night.

Ma Franci

Ma Franci, or Ma, is a nun from France who works in the orphanage where Animal grew up. She took on the role of his mother figure and is passionate about caring for the sick and injured Khaufpuri people during what she believes is the Apokalis. Following the accident of “that night,” Ma lost all her understanding of both Hindi and English, and anything other than French she hears as grunts and gibberish. Ma appears to suffer from senility or dementia and becomes both increasingly prophetic and nonsensical as the text progresses.


Nisha is the Hindu daughter of Somraj and girlfriend of Zafar. Nisha befriends Animal after finding him in the streets, introducing him to Zafar, Farouq, and Somraj. Nisha attends Iqbal Bahadur Women’s College, and although she does not seem concerned with her own academic studies, she supports Zafar and the others in their political activism. She teaches Animal to read and write Hindi and English. She rejects Animal’s offer for marriage after he professes his love for her but remains his closest friend.


Pandit Somraj Tryambak Punekar, or Somraj, is Nisha’s widowed father and Elli’s love interest. Once called the Aawaaz-e-Khaufpur (the Voice of Khaufpur) for his great success as a famous singer, Somraj is unable to sing after the gas leak accident that killed his wife and infant son, damaged his lungs, and left him with coughing fits. Although a solemn, private, and stoic man, Somraj is composed, thoughtful, and hears music in nature and everyday life. He works as a successful music teacher and ran a poison-relief committee for Khaufpuri’s poorest before joining Zafar.


Farouq is a foul-mouthed, activist aide and friend of Zafar’s. Although he drinks, smokes, and visits brothels, he is strong in his Muslim beliefs and tries to convince Animal that if he reforms, becomes a Muslim, and leads a good life, he’ll get to paradise. Although Animal often considers Farouq his nemesis for the cheerful taunting and verbal abuse Farouq lays on him, Farouq saves Animal’s life, and they become close friends.

The Kampani

The “Kampani” (Company) is the American-owned business whose Indian factory explosion of “that night” caused the deaths and continued suffering of thousands of Khaufpuri. For nearly two decades, the Kampani has stood accused of residents’ deaths but has evaded responsibility by leaving without cleaning the factory and refusing to send its lawyers to face trial in Khaufpuri court. Even when the lawyers are persuaded to return to Khaufpur, they continue to try to avoid responsibility by forming monetary deals with the corrupt Khaufpuri politicians.


Chunaram is the owner of a chai shop in the Nutcracker neighborhood of Khaufpur. He takes advantage of foreigners and runs various scams and side hustles, including charging people to watch him rip off his little finger. He brings the “jarnalis” to meet Animal, offering Animal 50 rupees to talk on tape. This meeting eventually leads to Animal’s decision to tell his story in his own words.

The Chief Minister + Zahreel Kahn

Zahreel Kahn is Khaufpur’s Minister for Poison Relief and helps Elli open her free medical clinic. However, he is lazy, corrupt, and a liar and betrays the good of the Khaufpuri people for his own well-being.

The Chief Minister (“CM”) also gives his blessing to Elli’s medical clinic, creating more distrust in Elli by the Khaufpuri people. Although he claims to care about the people’s best interests, the Chief Minister does whatever the Kampani wants and rejects the many protestors at his house who are looking for his help.


Animal first meets Anjali during his street days. She is a friendly, pretty, pock-faced girl who likes to tease Animal but admires his ability to laugh despite his circumstances. Animal meets Anjali again after Farouq drops him off at the Laxmi Talkies brothel, where Anjali works as a prostitute. Although Animal and Anjali don’t sleep together, it is Animal’s most intimate experience with a woman. Animal plans to use the money he has saved from working for Zafar to buy her freedom.

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