
##action With A Therapy Dog Enhances The Effects Of Social Story Method In Autistic Children : Case Study

Decent Essays

Grigore, A. A., & Rusu, A. S. (2014). Interaction with a Therapy Dog Enhances the Effects of Social Story Method in Autistic Children. Society & Animals, 22(3), 241-261. doi:10.1163/15685306-12341326 This article caught my eye for several reasons. The first one is because it mentioned Social Story, which is an intervention I had not heard of before and I wondered how they used Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) in their research. The author’s (2014) wanted to know if you combined Social Story and AAT or Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) if there was a possibility of increasing the social skills of children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As I stated above I had never heard of Social Story before I read this article …show more content…

A lot of it is case by case situation as well, it would depend on how well the client could focus on the story while interacting with animal.
The authors were very detailed about how they collected the data, the rating scale they used to determine the interactions, what type of interactions they were looking for, and how the experimenters were trained for the process. The research design was easy to follow where you can see the structure of the study in each of its phases. They mentioned two tests that I had not heard of for their data analysis, however, that was not the reason I struggled with understanding the results.
As I mentioned above I struggle when I got to the results section of this paper. Any research paper, this is my weakest section so it’s no surprise to me and I know I must re-read it multiple times to understand it. At first, it really looks like only one of the participants benefitted from the study and yet in the end it did show that Social Story plus AAT was beneficial to all three of the participants. Once I read the implications of the study that the dog played a positive role for the children, I was glad to that it is a study that I can pull out in the future as a reference point.
Knowing that I want to

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