
Zodiac Killer Research Paper

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On the night of December 20, 1968, a couple was sitting in their car on a date underneath the stars. The car was parked on the side of the road and the couple was enjoying their evening together. Sounds like a normal evening, right? Then something horrible happened. A masked person came up to them and began to shoot at them. The man, David Faraday, and the woman, Betty Lou Jensen, were shot and killed. Two of the many victims of the Zodiac Killer. But who is the killer? No one has been able to figure it out until now. The Zodiac Killer is two men, Aurthur Lee Allen and Lawrence “Kane” Kaye, working together to commit many murders.
If you are going to understand who the killer is and have evidence of why it is, you first have to know what they …show more content…

One of those pieces of physical evidence is that fact that, collectively, the faces of the men match all the descriptions of the killer. The descriptions that were given came from the surviving victims of the murder attempts made by the Zodiac Killer. The second piece of physical evidence is that Aurthur referred to himself as the Zodiac before the murders began happening, and his favorite book was “The Most Dangerous Game”- a book about hunting and killing humans. A friend of Allen’s was interviewed and he told police about Allen asking to be called the “Zodiac” and referred to himself as the “Zodiac”. Allen also wore a Zodiac brand watch that was engraved with the same symbol the Zodiac used to represent himself. The book “The Most Dangerous Game” was referenced in a letter to the police from the killer. It stated, “I like killing people because it is so much fun. It is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all.” Kane was in a car accident that resulted in him getting brain damage. This brain-damage resulted in him being unable to control all of his actions and his thoughts. The second victim, Darlene Ferrin, was followed and harassed by Kane for weeks before she was

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