
Why Robots Should Not Be Pursued

Decent Essays

The idea of robots have been in the mind of humans for more than 4000 years. Since men began to think philosophically this idea has been discussed.* The first literary use of the word robot was in 1921, nearly one hundred years ago. Up until World War II a robot was a remote concept, but with the invention of the first digital computer, robots were suddenly a possibility. Today robots are a reality, and scientist involved in robot research believe that in the very near future robots will be considered highly intelligent, and capable of thought. Once robots that can think are invented, they will also be capable of consciousness and personhood. Conscious thinking robots will not be a good technology for the world, and the technology should not be pursued, because it will eventually destroy humanity. One scenario that could become reality when these types of robots are invented is that I come home from work after a long tiring day, and am looking for a beer and a little quality time with my Love, L. What I find instead is my L engaged in an act of sex with a Robot, R, which was purchased as a tool to help out around the house, with jobs like laundry, dishes, cleaning the toilets, and other tedious tasks that neither L nor I had time for. For the purpose of this scenario each R is designed in to enjoy the tedious tasks that many two career households just do not have time for. These robots can also be designed with additional perks like a desire to fulfill the sexual needs

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