
Wgu Leadership Task 1 Report

Satisfactory Essays

Introduction to Leadership

Cynkara Richardson Governors State University September 2017

Quoted by Ronald Reagan “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” A manager gets things done via planning and delegation. Tasks are usually assigned and results are obtained by other efforts. A leader gets things done by holding a vision, modeling behaviors and usually have very inspiring actions. A manager is defined as, “An individual who is in charge of a certain group or tasks” (Business Dictionary). A leader is defined as “The person who leads or commands a group, organizations” (Business Dictionary). …show more content…

Managing is about knowing the importance of coping with complexity which is planning well and knowing how to budget. Managers jobs also have to do with organizing and staffing and also they have to know how to stay in control and problem solve. Leadership is about coping with change which includes setting direction aligning people and motivating and inspiring. Someone who managers and everyone else can look up to. Clawson states “Leadership is about managing energy, first in yourself and then in those around you” (Clawson 2012, p. 3) With the leader being someone to look up to he opens the door and sets the path for the followers to want better for …show more content…

Management is working in the system while leadership is working on the system. They actually speak for themselves a manger manages people and work while the leader job is to lead people. Leaders and managers thinking process, goal setting, employee relations, operation and governance is all different. Leaderships thinking process focuses on people and looks outward while management focuses on things and looks inward. Goal setting in leadership articulates visions and also creates the future while management executes plans and improves the present. Leaders employee relations empowers colleague’s, trust and develops and manager’s controls, subordinates, directs and coordinates. Leaders operation does the right things usually creates change and serves subordinates but management does things right, manages change and serves superordinate’s. Leaders governance uses influences, conflict and acts decisively and manager’s governance uses authority, Avoids conflict and acts

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