
Weaknesses In Gertrude

Decent Essays

Paragraph 1: women are an embodiment of weakness; lack of independence
Quote: ‘frailty is thy name; woman’
Obvious meaning: Gertrude is extremely dependent upon the men in her life. Her reliance on men appears to be her sole way of capitalizing on her abilities. Despite Hamlet losing respect for here.
Effect: Men acted female parts. While they may have acted very well and all were accepted by Elizabethan audiences, unlike women who were not given the opportunities to act on stage until the 1600’s. The British prohibition of women actresses was ended in the reign of Charles II who enjoyed watching female actresses on stage. This also represented their lack of external independence.

Critical: Loberg and Harmonie in ‘Queen Gertrude: Monarch, Mother, Murderer’ Gertrude is weak as she longs for the attention that she loses when late King Hamlet dies, quickly marries.
Quote: ‘All women are flawed’
Obvious meaning: women are naturally flawed; it’s a condition of their feminine nature. Hence hamlet reinforcing the idea of them needing help to be better or less flawed and accept the higher opinion of men as Polonius and Laertes do to Ophelia.
Context: Ophelia for example is a feminine derivation of the Greek name 'Ophelos'.
Ophelos meaning Helper while this may not be weakness, if we think of Eve as Adam’s helper Genesis 2:18 ‘suitable helper’. Hence we could interpret the helper as bring the downfall of the hero in the same way Eve led to Adam’s and

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