
U.s. Government And International Business Essay

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The level of internationalisation around the globe has grown throughout the years, with advanced technologies the ease and ability to work with foreign countries has also grown. However, firms do not simply interact with each other with no outside party involvement; the government can be seen to play a large role in conducting international business. Governments continuously have the responsibility to act in the manner that they believe is best for their nation; this includes decisions regarding protectionism, which may serve to aid domestic industries but simultaneously hinder international business. It can be seen that governments do not always act in their nation’s best interest and are corrupt which can serve to increase the risks and costs of entering an international business environment. While these are examples in which the government makes international business difficult it can also be seen that the presence of a government is instrumental in creating international business effectiveness, whether this be through their legal system or from trade agreements. This makes the role the government plays paradoxical; as their involvement generally increases the risks and costs of firms seeking to internationalise, whilst simultaneously playing a significant role in creating international business effectiveness. For firms seeking to engage in international business, government intervention may increase both the risks and costs they undergo. With liberalised trade, firms

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