
The Science Of Engineering And Science Education

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Introduction laboratory
It is critical importance that the practice of integration between the laboratory in engineering and sciences courses due to its important to understand the science of engineering and scientific phenomena. However, the lack of practical education especially in the courses that need the practise as cohesive the conception of theoretical also the price is too expensive of equipment and the availability of trainers may cause a significant weakening in the proportion of experimentation in engineering education. There has been deeply emphasized that the importance of having education laboratory for engineering and science in the literatures studies [1-9].The laboratory is critical in the engineering and science education that makes the understanding easily and fast during the last decades this laboratory were doing by hand on laboratory the learner do his practise in laboratory environment and understands the whole concept of courses that has been taken in classroom. Even though the laboratory can add more and more critical thinking about why and what equations and horizon the learner about how could work and expect their result why the result .also the as engineering and science student or learning doing labs makes the learners felt in no doubt and get more knowledge . Labs are given a key role in a distinct teaching of engineering and science, and teachers pointed out that the rich benefits in the process of learning from the increasing use of

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