
The Pros And Cons Of Unauthorized Immigrants

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In 2014, former President Obama introduced the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) policy which would allow for unauthorized immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens or permanent residents to be protected for deportation. This also included being granted a working permit. The DAPA program was projected to provide working authorization for over 3.7 million immigrants. According to a report done by the MPI-Urban Institute, it found that more than 10 million people live in a household with at least one adult that is eligible for DAPA (Capps). In order to be considered for DAPA program there were certain eligibilities that parents had to meet. Besides being the parent of a resident, the person had to be living in the U.S. since 2010, be a high school graduate or a GED recipient and had never been convicted of a crime. To receive approval the process would take a while because proof would have to be submitted for each eligibility. The DAPA application also had a fee total of $465 which included the employment authorization application and a fee for fingerprints (NILC). If put in effect, the program would’ve granted a renewable three-year working permit. Even though the program was signed in 2014, it was never allowed to be implemented because of an ongoing blockage from courts. In the United States v. Texas case, 26 states filed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration arguing that the program went against the constitution. This

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