
The Perfect Deadlift

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The deadlift is a delicate exercise that should not be attempted for the first time without assistance from a trainer, or having done previous research on the correct form beforehand (Valleser & Santos, 2017). Understanding the perfect deadlift is important in being able to reflect the basics into your own deadlift. Whether doing a deadlift to target specific goals that an individual would like to achieve, a beginner just new to working out and taking things slow, or an experienced lifter ready to add an extra challenge to help build extra muscle, there are variations of the deadlift to suit all. The exercise is designed to build muscle mass and resemble a natural standing up motion carrying a weight for real world relation. Building …show more content…

Being able to successfully complete a deadlift does not only benefit one muscle gain from a workout, but help when lifting all objects in everyday life. A deadlift should not be feared to be completed due to the risk of an injury, as injury prevention is highly effective. There are many variations of the deadlift and heavy weights do not have to be used. Lighter weights as well as a variation of stances and equipment may be used to take stress off of the lower back, and create a more aerobic exercise while still completing this movement. Those daring to take more difficult stances and lifts, should have a complete ROM, and be an experienced lifter who has not suffered pervious injuries. Doing proper research on the deadlift will display which variations can help target your goals, where they be body image related, of for a particular sport. Those brand new to any gym should seek assistance from a trainer or an experienced knowledgeable individual, to make sure there deadlift is being completed …show more content…

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