
The Original Method For Hand Washing Guidelines

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The original method for hand washing guidelines included educational aids, visual images, and posters found throughout the hospital. These pictures usually instruct how to wash hands and other ways to avoid spreading infections. This is very effective to health care workers as it can help them comply and understand the mistakes they find in their own techniques. However, it only encourages them to comply rather than enforce them. Even though this way can be effective, doctors and nurses will not be going to these posters just to comply. This method only influences them to wash their hands, but not to the extent of actually imposing them to do it, since actions speak louder than words. The education found within these posters are very …show more content…

The wristband will also buzz or vibrate when it’s done correctly and three buzzes when it’s not. The data from the bracelet is then handed to the hospital’s epidemiologists, checking to see whether they are doing fine or not. This new system will increase hand hygiene throughout the hospital, because it will help their staff comply with hand washing.
Many health care professionals are opposed to wearing the wristbands because they are an annoyance, disturbing them on a daily basis. However, their behavior needs to change for the sake of the patient. It may seem a bit humiliating, but it is beneficial to avoid nosocomial infections. In the beginning, it may seem terrible, but the outcome will be very positive, because of the increase in hand washing, which have been shown to lead to lower transmission of infections. Research shows that hand washing improved in health care workers who wore the wristband from 25 percent to 44 percent when it was first initiated (Korones, 2012).
Another form of technology to use is the sensor badges. Each physician and nurse wears a badge that counts room entrances and exits, which will also be scanned in patient rooms. The badge also performs different signals whenever a health care worker wears it. If they enter a patient’s room without washing their hands, the badge will turn yellow and red after several seconds of loud beeps. In order to stop it from beeping, they

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