
The Key Functions Of HR Manager And Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management (HRM) is all about balancing the organization’s people and processes to the best to achieve the goals and the strategies of the organization, as well as the goals and the needs of employees. The main role of an HR manager is to fulfil the integrating business operations and strategies across a wide array of culture, products, and ideas, while effectively delegating work among human resource specialist and line management. There are many key functions of a HR manager to the organization. Some of the key functions of a HR manager are
• Improve the organizations efficiency.
• To build a dynamic culture in the organization.
• Performance appraisal to the employees.
• Motivate the employees. …show more content…

Human Resource Management means “Managing people tactfully” (by dawa-1991) and Personal Management is “A part of management concerned with people at work and with their relationships within the organization”.
HR management is also known as “ A strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasis that leveraging people’s capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies programmes and practises.”
Some of the people say that there is no big difference between the Human Resources Manager and Personal Manager. These two terms don’t have any difference in their meaning but there are some differences in the roles and the functions of these experts to the organization. There are some minor differences between these Managers they are:-

Supervisory and record keeping Developing and implementation of people strategies.
Uphold fair terms & conditions for the workforces Concentrating on encouraging and commitment of employees to achieve their objectives.
Efficiently handling personal actions of individual divisions. Concerned on gaining continuous competitive

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