
The Influence Of Aristotle And Aristotle : The Nature Of Man

Decent Essays

The founders have very different views on their place in the world and their identity as a man. Aristotle sticks to the truth to man is nature and that as an individual we have a purpose. Locke’s opinion’s stray away from Aristotle and thinks of men as understanding themselves through their mind not in nature. Where as the Puritans agree with both ideas but centralize God and keep their mindset and nature away. Aristotle first disscusses the way in which a person should stay away from the community of politics: “For this reason, it is not appropriate for a young person to be a person of politics, since the young are inexperienced in the actions of life, while these are things about which politics speaks and from which it reason.”(12) Here Aristotle expresses his viewpoint of how the young are inexperienced and their mind has not been shown to the world. Which in a way is opposite of his original claim that living in a community with politics is “ good for man” in a way this is true and shows the real world and the importance of understanding your surroundings, but Aristotle says this is only a good thing if the person has understood nature in itself before trying to understand the outside political sphere: “Every art and every inquiry, and likewise every action, seems to aim at some good, and hence it has been beautifully said that the good is that at which all things aim”.(11)” Aristotle tries to explain the importance of understanding nature as a action that aims at some good. Where as Locke disagreed with the point of understanding nature, he focuses on the freedom and relationship aspect of the world: “A state also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another.”(43) Locke explains that the power of equality should not under any circumstance come before another quality. Locke states that the power in the states should all have equal representation and opportunities: “ this teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possession.”(43) Locke shows that the important asset to life is to treat everything as being one and equal but independent. He

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