
The Importance Of Respect

Decent Essays

Respect can be displayed in numerous ways which may be verbal or none verbal dependent upon the individual. My aim is to demonstrate a clear outline of ‘respect’ touching upon subjects such as, human rights, and values. Respect can be as straightforward as manors such as ‘please' and ‘thank you', although many may not always display this. Respect is dignity for every individual, mutual acknowledgment from one individual to another portraying thoughtfulness and equality. (Nhina le, 2016). Respect has changed outstandingly over the years which effects the way we live today. Morally It is of significance to include others without preconceptions or exceptions no matter of differences such as ethnicity or beliefs. (Joyce Catlett and Robert w firestone 2009) respect and human rights interlink, as in 1998 the humans right act came into power which is built up of 30 articles e.g. ‘right to life’ which states that “nobody including the government can try to end your life” (ref article) these rights are about respect and belong to everyone.

Values are personal attributes of importance which we are passionate about, gained through life and experiences. Values certainly influence the opinions we have and the choices we make, as these are personal thoughts and felling of what we care about. (Hayden, 2006)
Values affect the way we choose to live our life furthermore the way we act towards others and their life.(REF) As we develop as individuals many factors such as age, wisdom and life experiences are likely to have an impacted value’s now held in comparison to ones held in younger life, as growth, knowledge and life experience act towards shaping us as individuals and the way we may view things. Values are not factual nevertheless there are no right or wrong values as these are personal to each and every individual. (x2ref)

changes were made, which has a huge influence throughout the world.

RESPECT- many may say respect should be earned, but in certain instances, this is not always possible, for ex; when

holding the door for someone who is walking behind you is effortless human respect, that is morally expected to be given and reciprocated. showing respect for someone does not necessarily mean you have to

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