
The First Criteria Of Just War Theory Is Jus Ad Bellum, The Just Initiation Of A War

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The first criteria of Just War Theory is jus ad bellum, the just initiation of a war. Because the US is responding to an attack initiated by ISIS that places American institutions and Americans at harm, they are retaliating with the intention of self defense as opposed to acting out of aggression. This serves as a just cause of war. Additionally, failure to combat ISIS could potentially escalate the boomerang effect, a phenomenon in which citizens of the United States travel to Syria and Iraq and return to the states radicalized (In the News 8-30-16). This means that the US can justifiably send troops to the Middle East because they are acting with the right intention by preventing the “credible threat of imminent attack” (Crawford 2003). Furthermore, the US serves a legitimate authority because it is a sovereign state. It is able to provide means of centralized control and thus sidesteps any confusion over dealing with private actors and private armies initiating violence (Module 12). The United States has also exhausted all other options of attempting to reach a common ground with ISIS before deciding to employ “the use of military force” (Crawford 2003). While diplomatic measures might be viable in other conflicts, terrorism is unique in nature because it cannot be solved through peace talks alone. This is largely due to the fact that terrorists are vastly different from states in terms of how they operate- they have “different power relationships, goals, deterrence

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