
The Equal Pay Act For Women And Women Working Under The Same Employer

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In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed into effect a landmark legislation that would guarantee equal pay to both men and women working under the same employer. However, to this present day, women still only make, on average, 77 cents to every dollar that a male earns. This paper focuses on some of the underlying problems as to why there is still such a large gender pay discrimination over half a century later. More specifically, some of the policies maybe could be put in place and the positive impact(s) each policy could have on women in the work place. Lastly, we will look at some of the laws that have been in place, and how effective or ineffective they have been.
“More than fifty years ago, in 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed landmark legislation that would guarantee equal pay to both men and women working under the same employer. The Equal Pay Act was the first in a series of major federal and state laws that had a profound effect on job opportunities and earnings for women over the next half century, and laid the foundation for the movement of women into the paid labor force at unprecedented levels (”
However, there is still much more to be done. According to a recent study, American women today who work full-time, year-round, are still only paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts (Kim p.1). Women’s median earnings are also lower in nearly every occupation regardless of whether they work in male dominant

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