
The Elizabethan Era in England Essay

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The Elizabethan Era is often referred to as the Golden Age of England (A Changing View...). The Elizabethan Era, named after Queen Elizabeth I, was a time of change and discovery (Elizabethan Superstitions). Elizabeth ruled in a time of religious turmoil; both the Catholics and Protestants fought to be the official religion of England. (Elizabethan World View). Many people throughout England struggled to find the “correct” religion (Elizabethan World View). Religion was changing and so did science. During the late 1500’s science began to evolve; new ideas, concepts, and beliefs were starting to emerge (A Changing View). Magic was considered to be very similar to science in this era. The belief in magical creatures served as the roots for …show more content…

She established the Elizabethan Church, in 1559, “she wanted her Church to be popular with her people, and for Catholicism to die out naturally as people turned to the religion she had established” (Elizabeth R). In 1559, Queen Elizabeth attempted to reunite her country, by passing the Act of Supremacy and the Act of Uniformity (Pitchard 105). The Act of Supremacy stated that Queen Elizabeth I was the most powerful ruler of England; this acts also made her the Supreme Governor of the Church (Elizabeth I). The Act of Uniformity was a set of rules regarding the new Elizabethan Church (Elizabeth R). Rules of the Church were basic and simple. All people of England had to attend church on Sundays and holidays. A fine was issued to those who did not attend church, the money collected was then used to help the poor (Elizabeth R). Queen Elizabeth had to be harsh and strict with Catholics, more than she would have preferred in order to maintain peace in England (Elizabeth R). Although Queen Elizabeth was nice, she could also be very strict. When Catholics rebelled she reacted quickly, she had them killed, took away their properties, or imprisoned them. After years of rebellion and fighting, England became a Protestant Country in the early 1600’s (Pitchard 103). “The significance of the Elizabethan religious settlement is that it was able to hold the vast majority of the people together, despite being a compromise few would have chosen” (Elizabeth I).

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