
The Effect Of Temperature On Catalase Enzymes

Decent Essays

Objective: To find the effects of temperature on catalase enzymes.

Introduction: Enzymes are defined as being molecules that function as biological catalysts, increasing the rate of reaction without being consumed by the reaction. They allow molecules to use less energy to create the reaction. Each enzyme has a specific shape for its substrate and only that substrate can bind to the enzyme to create the reaction. If environmental factors change such as PH levels or temperature this could cause enzymes to change their shape and therefore their function. If the enzyme structure changes the molecules can’t bind to them causing the reactions to not be able to be made. The enzyme for this experiment was the catalase enzyme which is used for the degradation of hydrogen peroxide, it is a protective enzyme located in nearly all animal cells. After researching the topic finding the ways enzymes are effected by certain environmental factors drove to do the experiment. My hypothesis for this reaction was if the temperature goes up the enzyme reaction will go down because of denaturation. According to my hypothesis at 0 degrees Celsius the enzyme reaction should be the highest and at 23 degrees it should go down at 37 it should keep going down and at 55 degrees the enzyme reaction rate should be the lowest. This experiment is so important because the catalase enzyme breaks down H2O2 which is poisonous to our bodies and turns it into two chemicals that are not harmful to us,

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