
The Characteristics Of The Serial Killer, By Dorothea Puente

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People were shocked to hear everything the elderly lady, Dorothea Puente, was capable of. Investigators weren’t suspicious of her even after corpses were found on her property because she didn’t fit the typical serial killer profile. The average serial killer is a white male in his mid to late 20’s. More than 90% of serial killers are men according to research done by criminologists James A. Fox and Jack Levin, and among these 73% were white. Only 4% had graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Victims were 67% female, with children, prostitutes, and the elderly and other common victims while 20% were males who had been raped by their attackers.
Although Dorothea Puente did not have the same physical characteristics as the average serial …show more content…

These factors had contributed to her issues as an adult.
Her adulthood also consisted of a great deal of heartbreak which lead her to depression. At age 16, she ran away and married a soldier named Fred McFaul who left her a few years later. When they were married, they had had two daughters together, they sent one to Dorothea’s relatives and gave the other up for adoption. After he left her, she pretended he had died and forged checks but was quickly caught and sentenced to a year in jail. After he left and she was released from jail, she had another child with someone she barely knew and gave that child up for adoption as well. In 1952, she got married to Axel Johanson divorced him in 1966 to get married to Roberto Puente. After two years, that marriage also ended and she married Pedro Montalvo, a violent alcoholic, and the marriage lasted only a few months. Her mental state was not ideal but she was never diagnosed with mental disorders and therefore was not treated.
She was an organized killer, making it harder to find her even though she had committed many crimes in the past. An organized killer is intelligent and hard to capture. They think things through and are extremely meticulous. Everything is planned ahead of time and they know exactly what to do. Stalking their victims is a common thing these people do to ensure they have as much information they need to commit the crime. To carry out this deed, they will trick the victim

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