
The 9/11 Attacks

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The 9/11 attacks opened the avenue for a scrutiny of the performance and ability of the intelligence community to detect any threats to the safety of the United States. The media, politicians, reformists and other interested parties would not comprehend how such an attack would happen without the knowledge of the intelligence community. However, it is important to consider the fact that the attack was one of its kind and could not be approached with the resources and expertise used in other initiative such as the cold war. Therefore, the need to restructure the intelligence community arose from the view that it was still operating in the mindset and spirit of the cold war even in the modern era that had seen a revolutionary change of warfare …show more content…

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks was among the agencies that associated the 9/11 attacks with lack of coordination among agencies (Best, 2015). This prompted the Congress to enact a legislation that established a centralized intelligence leadership, popular as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). However, the legislation only helped to increase tension between different agencies, especially on how to approach funding. The legislation was not clear regarding the boundaries between the activities of the DNI, and their interaction with the mainstream intelligence agencies. The congress debated these concerns and later established the framework for the working of the DNI and relationship with different intelligence agencies. Most importantly, this legislation focused on one element of reorganization, which was enhancing coordination of activities between different …show more content…

Traditionally, much of the intelligence gathering activities were based on military activities since the main threat to security was in the form of military invasions. Intelligence agencies developed new ways of gathering intelligence such as wiretapping, thermal imaging and search without warrants in order to take care of the new threats to national security. This signified a change from the traditional nature of intelligence to focus on foreign threats to terrorism to the modernized approach that considers domestic collaborators of terrorism. Scrutiny of domestic elements terrorism also introduced new roles of various government agencies that had to introduce counter-terrorism in their operational strategies. For instance, various intelligence agencies linked with the immigration department in order protect against entry of terrorists among other

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