
Technology And The Profession By Gary Marcus: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Technology and the profession The article written by Gary Marcus states the different opinions on the question, will robots take our jobs? Throughout the article Marcus is bringing in evidence from different views that say this is bound to happen, as history tells us that it will, and that it won’t matter as we will all have access to the technology and will still have something to do as we still have creativity. This is to some a good thing as it promotes advancement however,some others believe that this technological advancement is a negative as they are not so willing to let a robot take their job and take the creativity out of their profession. Technology in today's society has become a must no matter what industry or profession you are in. The integration of technology and man will happen and is happening, the only question is how fast will it take for technology to become more substantial than it is today and how much of an impact it will have. The use of robots and technology in the modern world has exponentially increased, as we gain more and more technology. Throughout human history technology has changed how we work and how we survive, from early cave men developing tools to make a task easier to the modern airliner taking hundreds of people around the world in a matter of hours. History shows that we are always looking for a way to develop, and progress as a society. Technology has advanced with us and is used to help …show more content…

So far it seems to be a great addition to our society and will continue to develop and expand as we do. With the help of history we can see that we do advance and get accustomed to major changes, when technology is introduced, so the integration won’t upset the equilibrium as much as many people fear it will. If we just allow history to repeat itself and not fear change then technology will takeover, it's just a matter of

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