
Synthesis Essay Homework

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Education should strive to motivate students to become cultured, well rounded individuals. Unfortunately, some policies implemented by schools hold children back in this area. Homework should be abolished because it promotes unhealthy lifestyles, increases stress, and yields uncultured students. Homework stresses out children and their families. Source A depicts a depressed child sulking over a pile of homework. The background, presumably the boy's kitchen, juxtaposes this gloomy condition. When students leave school, they should be getting a break from the strenuous bustle of educational institutions. Young adults and children should be able to enjoy themselves and take time off. Also, the intense amounts of homework placed on students only increases resentment for education. Children will despise schooling even more when they realize …show more content…

Source C finds that students do not believe they have the proper amount of time to foster improved social and cultural interactions. Homework decreases the amount of time students have to interact with others, resulting in individuals not suited to societal engagement. Even if homework were effective, the amount of time it takes away from human interaction destroys the ability to discuss the very ideas reinforced during homework. Source D states that important lessons about responsibility develop when homework is assigned regularly. However, the development of character traits means nothing if the individuals cannot express themselves around others. A healthy society has the ability to debate and take part in the effusion of ideas from all individuals, but when homework hampers this ability, the true potential of humanity becomes tapered. When students have no time to find hobbies that interest them, they lose the individuality that supports society. Diverse interests promote further education, and when homework takes away from this it damages

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