
Students Have Learned Coordinated Conjunctions Essay

Decent Essays

Nov 29/2012
2 hours
No. of Students:
Recent topic work: Students have learned coordinated conjunctions – this is a review of target language
Recent language work: n/a Aims:
Functional: Learning to express ideas with joining words
Grammatical: Coordinating Conjunctions
Students should be able to write a simple paragraph using coordinated conjunctions, and to understand how to use coordinated conjunctions correctly. To engage and motivate students to for further language learning experiences. To offer students as many examples of authentic language and STT.
Assessment: Completion of tasks, understanding of new language, accurate use of coordinating conjunctions, feedback and discussion at end of class.
Materials: ball of yarn, Jigsaw Puzzle Game, Youtube video clip, cloze worksheets (Black Azar 228-229 ex. 5 and pg. 230 ex. 7, “Readings for Poster Presentation” handout, “Butterflies” paragraph (Blue Azar pg. 462).
Anticipated Problems: Video may not work in classroom environment. If this happens, send link and cloze exercise home with students so they can complete as homework. This may not be a review for some students – if so, allow some time for extra study.
Teacher Activity Student Activity
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Aims of the stage
15 min.

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5 min.

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15 min.

15 min.

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5 min.

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15 min.

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