
Student Debt Is Tough And Federal Loan

Decent Essays

The qualifications for the program are tough and federal loan forgiveness only applies to federal Direct Loans, not private student loans. If the graduate is lucky enough to land a public service job the graduate must realize that there is no guarantee that the employment will still be around in ten years since no one truly knows how the program will work or if it will work at all. Val Meyers, associate director for the Office of Financial Aid at Michigan State University comments are recorded in Susan Tompers’ article “My Apologies: Forgiving Student Debt is Tough”: No one knows quite how this program will work yet, or if Congress may decide it costs more than they counted on and change it once they start the loan forgiveness in 2017,
(qtd. in My Apologies: Forgiving student Debt is Tough). Student debt forgiveness is not the answer, for it is the cost that is the issue that needs to be addressed. As Robert Applebaum states in his short essay mentioned in the article “Student Loans: Should Some Indebtedness Be Forgiven?” tuition rates are increasing at ridiculous rates because colleges somehow feel that because the government makes it easy to get a loan it justifies their rising tuition costs (466). Instead of arguing for student loan forgiveness, perhaps protesters should refocus their attention at the paramount reason for needing student loans in the first place.
The article,

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