
Stereotypes In A Midsummer Night's Dream By William Shakespeare

Good Essays

Looking past, ahead, & beyond
“Beware of your stereotypes and prejudices, they can trap you in a box and make you miss what life has to offer you”─Med Yones. One has to see past the stereotypes in life, just as one should do for A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. This literature masterpiece entails a quarrel of a pair of lovers caught entangled in a treacherous web of tainted love and magic. This comedy, viewed through the archetypal literary criticism lens─which focuses on the stereotypical aspects─, makes the audience wonder and push beyond the boundaries of the stereotypes with the tale. Combined with its other elements, A Midsummer Night's Dream is more entertaining and meaningful when viewed through the archetypal literary criticism lens; such as in Act 1: scene 1; Act 3: scene 2; and Act 5: scene 1 in both the printed text and the 1999 film versions.
To begin with, in Act 1: scene 1─in a Midsummer Night's Dream─the archetypal literary criticism lens achieves in conveying unto the audience meaning and entertainment. Such is the case in the printed text where Lysander yearns and entreats to Hermia, “If thou love me then,/ Steal forth thy father's house tomorrow night”(1.1.163-164). To which Hermia replies, “Tomorrow truly will I meet with thee”(1.1.178). The archetypal literary criticism lens demonstrates the common portrayal of star-crossed lovers that will do anything in order to be together. Even if it means to run-away from home, just as Lysander and

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