
Stephen Marche's Article : Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?

Decent Essays

The truth is if social media was never invented we still may have found other ways to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. As we spend less time focusing on what’s going on outside in the real world than we do scrolling down our Facebook feeds we separate ourselves. It’s become a part of our everyday routine and, most people check their Facebook before they even have breakfast in the morning. Social media definitely didn’t help, but it is not the sole cause of isolation but, how we use it. If we were to use it how it was intended by making new connections, we wouldn’t feel so separated from the rest of the world.
Facebook does not make us lonely, we make ourselves lonely. We choose to hide behind our computers, tablets, and smartphones to avoid any real face to face interaction. In Stephen Marche’s short story (2012. Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?), he describes a scene in The Social Network where Mark Zuckerberg adds his ex-girlfriend on Facebook and obsessively waits for her to confirm his request by, “..waiting and clicking and waiting and clicking.” This is very common for a lot of people, we add people on Facebook to feel like we are a part of that person's life. We make connections with people online and rarely have a relationship with them offline. We use it as irresponsibly as Mark Zuckerberg does when adding his ex-girlfriend on Facebook instead of calling her and saying, “Hey, how are you, I was just thinking about you.”; instead, he waited for a friend

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