
Stages Of Grief : The Loss Of A Grief : A Brief

Decent Essays

Throughout life one experiences grief through the loss of a loved one, a tragic event, and the ending of relationships. As a result of dealing with these feelings, one experiences five specific stages in their journey of recovering from grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Each stage builds off of each other. Disbelief turns into rage and rage turns into a compromise. However, the stages of grief don’t necessarily need to be in a specific order. For instance, you might feel angry about losing your job. Then you might reason with yourself that you might be able to talk sense into your boss about his decision. Despite the changes in self conflict, one thing remains certain, all of the stages of grief are experienced.
The first stage of grief is denial. In the event of a mother answering the front door, police officer delivers news about the loss of her son due to a fatal car crash. The mother, at first, will not believe what she hears. In the stage of denial you believe the people around you are wrong. Most likely, you are too scared to face the realization of the matter at hand. In that briefest moment, you are certain there had to be a mistake. The police officer knocked on the wrong door. Your son is at a friend's house. You had talked to him just that morning. All of these thoughts start to play through your mind. Life can feel surreal at this point. It can range into more severe scenarios. The police are playing a cruel joke. The world is toying

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