
Spanking: Should Parents Spank Their Children?

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Throughout the years spanking is said to be the wrong way to discipline a child. The idea of corporal punishment has been around for ages, therefore many parents still consider it to be effective. There are many forms of discipline, from time outs to loss of privileges, but one of the most controversial forms is spanking. Spanking can lead to abuse, emotional problems, and violence, are a few “love tapes” worth all that pain?
Consider this scenario, a six year old boy is in the grocery store with his mom and he drops a carton of milk, and immediately the mother strikes her hand across the child’s rear end. I believe that parents should not spank their children because it could lead to constant abuse and emotional tension. There are many …show more content…

Spanking could lower a child’s self-esteem and confidence, especially if it’s done in public. The article claims, “Spanking is humiliating and demeaning to both parent and child, often lowering self-esteem and morale. Children with low self-esteem are more likely to repeat the misbehavior, which leads to more spanking. Things get worse instead of better.” (Pitzer 1). When children get spanked they are only respectful out of fear, not out of discipline. Constant spanking can lead to an abusive lifestyle, if spanking become repetitive in a child’s life it may lead to a violence, depression, or fear. The author states, “Spanking can lead to battering and child abuse. It is estimated that 85-90 percent of child abuse cases were attempts to discipline by the use of physical punishment that got out of …show more content…

About 90 percent of parents admit to spanking their children (Ogilvie 1). Studies were conducted that showed the more parents spanked their children, the more likely the children would hit their parents. Spanking is traumatic for children, imagine someone three times your size began hitting you with all out rage. In most cases spanking is not done correctly, parents often display spanking as out of frustration, not concern. Ogilvie stated that, “In a study I published in the Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review in 2005, I found that when used correctly, spanking leads to lower defiance and lower aggression than 10 or 13 other disciplinary alternatives with which it has been compared.” Children aren’t always the issue when it comes to spanking, it’s up to the parents to decide whether or not they want to or

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