
Sociological Perspective Of Birth Control

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Running Head: APPLYING SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Applying Sociological Perspectives Student Name Community College of Aurora Applying Sociological Perspectives One of the many purposes of birth control is to avoid unwanted pregnancies. In this day and age the decision to take birth control should be a mere right and not a debate, but society has still not fully accepted the use of birth control even though “ninety-eight percent of women use birth control at some point in their lives” (Milligan, 2014, p. 3). Birth control has unfortunately earned a negative stigma because it allows women to have sex without getting pregnant and that is frowned upon throughout parts of society. Some members of society have even compared the use of birth control to abortion. Women who choose to take birth control should not be judged and the use of birth control amongst women should no longer be considered disgraceful. The reliable access to birth control should be made available to all women no matter their race, age, and class. To begin, birth control as a whole is used as a method to prevent unwanted pregnancies. With methods such as birth control the population structure continues to change in a beneficial manner. Bastianelli, Benagiano, and Farris (2007) noted that birth control has been used as a tool to attack the global issue of population explosion over the last fifty years (Bastianelli, Bengiano, & Farris, 2007, p. 6). The rate

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