
Slavery During The Civil War Essay

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Eighteen century was a time period when slavery took deep roots in the New World. Slavery institution deeply affected and shaped the United States in the way we know it now. It affected all aspects of an American society: politically, economically and socially. Slaves were the ones who worked on large plantations, harvesting the crops, taking care of houses, fighting for an American independence, and gave the white people a leisure time to improve their knowledge and exercise political power. From an early colonial settlement through the civil war, African-American slaves had completed a long path of oppression, abuse, and repudiation of basic liberty rights. Though the appearance of the colonial America to the end of the civil war, slavery was a foundation, that allowed the United States to appear and function. First English settlers had slaves from the beginning, but along with using Indians and indentured servants as its labor force. Geographical location, weather conditions, and motives for immigration caused colonies ' slavery institutions to develop in different directions. From the beginning of 18th century, the Chesapeake colony concentrated on tobacco plantations, and trading with the mother country, Britain. The year of 1676 became a point of no return for American slavery. Bacon’s Rebellion occurred in Virginia during William Berkley governance. Nathaniel Bacon, the leader of the rebellion, fought for the reduction of taxes, dismiss the Indians

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