
Similarities Between Henry And Machiavelli

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A defining feature between these two men’s fate is Richard’s dependence on good fortune through divine intervention, whereas Henry and Machiavelli rely on free will, what they themselves can do to manipulate the situation. Richard calls upon God to defend him, thinking that he can manipulate God’s will to fit his desires, “angels fight, weak men must fall, for heaven still guards the right” (III.ii pg 409) This idea of unearthly abilities that allow him to manipulate nature itself, even England is stupid and shows how incompetent he is. Compared to Henry in this play, he is someone who wants to serve England, not how England can serve them; in other words what you can do for your country. Machiavelli states that “so long as fortune varies, and men stand still, they will prosper while they suit the times, and fail when they do not”, Richard in all ways fills this statement, his reliance on fortune seals his fate in the end (Machiavelli 148). Shakespeare shows this antiquated idea to show how much England needed a change of leadership and rule, the end of medievalism and the rise of Machiavellianism. Similarly, Henry also refers to the soil, as he leaves the country, his country. Referring to it as his “mother” and “nurse”, bidding “England’s ground, farewell; sweet soil, adieu” (I.iii pg 400). Even these few lines of saying goodbye, shows the respect he holds for his country, not just a thing that can bend to his will. He does not call on fortune in this play, he acts to

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