
Servant Leadership Style Analysis

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After reviewing the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People jump start program by Stephen R. Covey, I have discovered a few areas of self-improvement that would positively affect my leadership style. The Seven Habits Profile worksheet suggests that I have great strengths in areas of being aware of others and a few weaknesses in the areas of beginning with the end in mind, putting first things first, and work/life balance. These weaknesses mostly fall within the personal victory of achieving higher effectiveness. Reflecting on the program and the results of the Seven Habits Profile, I recognize my own personal weaknesses of being able to stay focused and organizing my time. To be a more effective leader I should develop habits that focus on …show more content…

A2. Scholarly Leadership Theory Servant leadership has been around for thousands of years. Though more notably within religious context, the subject of servant leadership and the traits associated with success have blossomed greatly since the 1970’s when Robert Greenleaf published his insights on the subject. Greenleaf expresses how servant leaders exist in many areas, including business. Servant leadership, unlike transactional, is focused on serving the individual needs of others before the needs of the organization. The theory is that organizations will function at higher levels when the personal needs of others are being met. Greenleaf also suggests, “The servant leader is a servant first” (Greenleaf, 1977/2002, “The Servant as Leader section, Who Is the Servant-Leader?” para. 1). Evaluating my own management abilities and research in leadership, I have taken great interest in the servant leadership theory. A few of my greatest leadership strengths and weaknesses are related to my strong desire to see the growth and success of others. Robert K. Greenleaf, author of, Servant Leadership: A Journey Into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness,

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