
Serial Killer Research Paper

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A serial killer is defined as a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavioral pattern. Research has found numerous key characteristics typically associated with serial killers. According to Hickey’s 1997 database of approximately 399 serial killers, the average age of the murderer at the time of the first killing was 27.5 years and were typically white males. More research found that 4% of the research sample composed of serial killers graduated with a bachelor's degree and most were employed with blue-collar jobs. Robert Ressler, Ann Burgess and John Douglas, members of the FBI, interviewed 36 serial killers who had killed or attempted to kill over 118 …show more content…

Although there are many similarities of characteristics amongst serial killers, they can all be divided into 4 main types based on the type of crime they commit. The first type of serial killers are known as thrill seekers and get an adrenaline rush similar to riding a roller coaster when killing a victim. Their victims are often strangers but sometimes they will stalk their victim for a short amount of time before following through with their plan. The second type of killer is mission-oriented and is known for having the attitude that the crime they commit is for the purpose of “ridding the world” of a certain type of person perceived as undesirable such as gays or prostitutes. Mission-oriented killers often believe that they are doing a good deed to society for the crime they commit. Third, visionary killers, often have psychotic breaks believing they are a different person or are compelled to kill by entities such as the Devil or God. Within the visionary killers group, there are two subgroups known as “demon mandated” and “God …show more content…

He boarded up rooms in the house used by his mother and left them completely untouched and pristine clean. As an adult he was interested in reading death-cult magazines and stories involving cannibals and Nazis. His infatuation with things of this subject matter led him to commit a murder that would eventually lead to his capture. On November 16, 1957 Bernice Worden, a hardware store owner in Planfield, went missing. Her son, Frank Worden, entered the hardware store at 5pm that day and reported that the cash register was open and there were bloodstains on the floor. Frank Worden also told investigators that Ed Gein had been in the store the previous night and had returned that morning to buy a gallon of antifreeze. Gein was arrested later that day and police searched his residence where they found Mrs. Worden decapitated, hanging upside down by ropes at her wrist and a crossbar at her ankles in a shed on Gein’s property. Throughout their search of the farm they also found things such as leggings made from human leg skin, bowls made from human skulls, a pair of lips on a windowshade drawstring, skulls on his bedpost, wastebasket made of human skin and four noses. While being questioned about the body parts found, Gein admitted to police that over the course of 5 years he had visited 3 local graveyards over 40 times to dig up recently buried bodies. Gein said that while doing this he was in a “daze

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