
Serial Killer Dichotomy

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Serial killers have been a rare phenomenon throughout history. Although, they are rare researchers have long since tried to determine characteristics and typologies of serial killers. Their main goal is to get into the minds of these vicious offenders.
This article is intends to discuss the different characteristics and typologies that law enforcement, researchers and criminologists have used to tried to explain what create a serial killer and develop a profile in hope to be able to catch serial killers quickly, if not before they kill.
Keywords: serial killer, serial murderer, dichotomy, organized killer, disorganized killer, planning, motivations, typologies, visionary killer, mission-oriented killer, hedonistic killer, lust killer, gain …show more content…

9). Disorganized killers are inclined to be extremely clumsy with their crime scenes. Investigators can typically tell the type of killer based on the evidence left at the scene of the crime. Canter, Alison, Alison, and Wentink (2004) add in support of Bonn’s blitz theory, "that disorganized killers will often use minimal restraints on the victim and the body is frequently left in open view" (294). Due to this rash form of murder, there is frequently a lot of evidence left at the crime scene, including bodily fluids, fingerprints, and quite often, a weapon (Canter et al. 2004). The authors (2004) continue to say, "the disorganized offender is thought to be socially incompetent and to have below-average intelligence" …show more content…

Little is known about the Zodiac killer who terrorized California during the '60's and '70's He mailed l many coded letters to newspaper editors mocking police amd writing about how he enjoys killing. Many of his letters included specifics about murders that only the killer would be knowledgeable about. He even admitted in one to talking to police after one of his killings. He insisted that he would never be caught by the police and thus far has not. One of the letters reads,
"I like killing people because it is so much fun. It is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all. To kill something gives me the most thrilling experience. It is even better than getting your rocks off with a girl. The best part of it is that when I die I will be reborn in paradise and all the (word missing) I have killed will become my slaves. I will not give you my name because you will try to slow down or stop my collecting of slaves for my after life (FBI n.d.,

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