
Semester 2 Final Exam

Decent Essays

6.1.3 Semester 2 Final Exam Immediately after we are born, we start picking up sounds; the sound of our mother’s voice, the music playing in the elevator on the way to the car, and the happy cheers from a small child seeing their new sibling for the first time. We are always listening–picking up on conversations not meant for our ears, eavesdropping on the gossip of the adult world, and finding the meaning in the portentous silence. From all these auditory stimuli, we piece together the world around us to better understand what is happening to us, around us, and the secret happenings that were not for us to know. Great writers are the ones who listen and say nothing–who take it all in and save their classified information for a day when all the right words flow and form one epic story of the wondrous world we live in. In today’s society people think it is their place to tell others—especially girls—how to dress. When girls are raped at colleges, or just even in the …show more content…

However, for me, elementary school is a somewhat painful memory. Throughout most of my grade school years I was bullied–physically and verbally–almost everyday. The kids on the playground would exclude me, my “friends” would be my friends one day and not the next, and then there would be the days that they kicked me or hurt me in some form or fashion. Of course, looking back now, it seems like petty, childish games, but in the moment it was a huge blow to the fragile eight year old I was. It wasn’t all terrible, though. Before the bullying I was naive, quick to trust, and fragile. Afterwards though, from all these experiences I learned forgiveness, kindness, grace, and who to place my trust in. As I grew up, I swore I’d never treat anyone the way I had been treated and I wouldn’t stand for bullying; no child should have to experience that kind of emotional and physical

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