
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Essay By Ed White

Decent Essays

After evaluating the essay written by Ed White, it was evident that he was very confident about the popular method used by many writers universally. The five-paragraph theme is highly common and effective in many cases. White believes that teachers have taken advantage of the five-paragraph theme and backs up his opinion with reasoning. He effectively uses rhetorical devices throughout his essay to help support his argument.
Throughout White’s essay, it was apparent that the use of many strategies was used to persuade the reader. Among these strategies, I was able to conclude that his essay was intended to the mass majority of the population. White’s method, in his belief, is highly successful towards many teachers. He says, “ A lot of teachers actually like the five-paragraph theme as much as I do.” This statement shows us that White may have intended to stand with the bandwagon on this topic. Even though he believes that many teachers are fond of the five-paragraph theme, he also states, “I don’t know why some teachers seem to dislike it so much.” This shows us that he can present both sides of the argument, which can open many solutions to the reader. …show more content…

White says, “It doesn’t matter what the subject is; since there are three parts to everything you can think of. If you cant think of more than two you just have to think harder or come up with something that might fit.” He gives an example that has the potential to be a counterargument and states the solution as well. He also states, “ A worse problem is when you wind up with more than three subtopics, since sometimes you want to talk about all of them. But you cant. You have to pick the best three.” By analyzing this statement, it is evident that he presents his argument, explains what the counterargument is, and gives the solution with a assertive style of

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