
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Since the beginning of the semester, my writing has changed and evolved to accommodate and sustain longer essays. With longer essays, there is more room for in-depth analysis. Further analyzing a topic has led me to findings that I did not know existed. As I continue to write, I uncover addition and superior methods to approach my writing to the benefit of me and therefore, my audience. Throughout the semester, I have incorporated techniques to further my narrative throughout my writing.
(Technique 1: transitions) The process of writing is not so simple. It takes a lot of effort to bring thoughts from one’s mind to the physical plane that is a piece of paper. One of the more difficult parts to writing is being able to transition from one idea to another. Without proper transitions, writing is just bits and pieces being forced together instead of many thoughts flowing seamlessly from one to another into one conglomerate piece.
(Technique 2: style/voice) My first essay on procrastination was a narrative research essay. It comprised of research on a topic that was supported with my own experiences. This essay, in particular, I believe was very strong due to its style and voice. I tend to incorporate humor and modesty in my writing so as to better appeal to my audience. I could have all the textual and factual evidence in the world, but it will always fall short in comparison to meaningful experiences. This type of writing cannot be done without the appropriate use of style and

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