
RHE 306: Student Survey

Satisfactory Essays

RHE 306 – Student Survey 1. Your full name and your preferred first name.
My full name is Juan Solis and I prefer to go by J.D. Solis.
2. Where you are from?
I'm from a small town called Edcouch-Elsa.
3. What your major is, or if undecided, what you think you'd like it to be. What about that field do you like?
My major is Biology Pre-Med. I chose this particular major because I eventually want to become a doctor. The thing I like about this field is I like helping people; I want to save as many lives as possible.
4. What made you decide to come to UT and/or what made you decide to come to college at all?
I decided to go to UT because I always wanted to go to this university for a long time. A lot of my family members have gone here. Therefore, it always seems the right choice to go here. Also, I came to UT because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. Most people that graduate from my high school always ends up staying at home. However, I wanted to be different. Lastly, I came to UT because of the immense diversity and many different opportunities here. …show more content…

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how comfortable do you feel with your writing skills?
On a scale of 1-10, I feel that I'm a 6 when it comes to my writing skills. I'm not the best. Also, I consider myself to be an average writer. I'm hoping to become a better writer by taking this particular

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