
Protein Analysis

Decent Essays

Proteins are an essential component of the human body tissues. They are made by combining amino acids together. There are many pros as well as cons to consuming inadequate amounts of protein each day. Making sure to consume the accurate type and amount of protein is important for the body. There are specific groups that do require more protein, however, if you are not a part of one of these groups consuming too much protein can have harmful effects. Proteins are made when amino acids combine to each other. There are 20 different amino acids; 9 are essential amino acids and 11 are non-essential amino acids. The body is unable to produce essential amino acids on its own. The body must obtain the 9 essential amino acids through the consumption …show more content…

These groups include children, athletes, vegetarians, adolescents, and pregnant woman. Since proteins help with the growth of tissue in the body as well as hormones and enzymes it is important for vegetarians as well as vegans to make sure they are consuming adequate amounts of protein. Animal products contain the majority of sources for amino acids where many plant products are missing those sources that our bodies need. Dr. Hubbard explains in the article “Are You Getting Enough Protein” published by Tufts University how animal products can provide the “complete proteins” but it is possible to get them in other ways such as peanut butter, beans, rice, and bread. Dr. Hubbard states: “Despite what you may have heard, these combinations don’t have to be eaten at one meal- it’s a balance over a whole day that’s most important” (“Are You Getting Enough Protein,” 2012). Another group that needs to ensure that they have enough protein in their diet is athletes. According to a journal titled “Protein food and amino acid supplements in athletes’ diet,” the amount of protein required over the daily recommended amount depends on the athlete as well as the sport. All athletes can benefit when an extra supply of protein is consumed immediately following a workout in order to help increase muscle mass and strength endurance. Protein consumption also helps athletes with recovery time and enhances their performance both in exercise and in a

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