
Protecting the Privacy of Users Online

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There are large amounts of information available in the world through various media outlets, such as the internet, mobile conversations, emails, chats, messages, etc. Nowadays, everything is a big data and with the emergence of the whole new breed of big data software which is distributed all over in the world, whatever data is available can be used for analyzing.
With the wide spread internet and improvement in technology the big data field have expanded at various fields like banking, finance, social network etc. This paper reviews how the data is being exposed on the internet and gives scope for the infringement of privacy; also I will review a variety of electronic tools/methods that helps in protecting users’ privacy as well reflect upon how much less people know about these infringements but how much more is happening. Also, I will review some of the rules that exist to protect the privacy of users online.
Big data:
Big data is anything which is too large for traditional databases to handle. They range from Terabytes of data to petabytes of data. Big data is generated from various sources, such as social media networks, oil wells, mobile phone conversations, weather data etc.
Blackberry generates instrumentation data 500 Terabytes a day and has over 100 petabytes of data. Chase Bank generates 150 petabytes of total data, Facebook got over 70 petabytes, Chevron (an energy-based company) runs thousands of oil wells across the country and each well produces 15

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