
Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCI)

Decent Essays

With the Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program, it improves the sharing information voluntarily between owners of infrastructure, operators, and the government. However, with The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) along with Federal, tribal, state, and local analysts, they use the (PCII) program to analyze, identify vulnerabilities, enhances recovery preparedness of measures, develop risk assessments, secure critical infrastructure and protect systems ( The (PCII) also provides information that authorizes a level of protection made easier for DHS to work directly to identify mitigation strategies, vulnerabilities with the infrastructure owners and operators. With the (PCII) protection plan, it increases the …show more content…

When the PCII submits the information and if it satisfies the requirements under the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002, it will be protected from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), state, tribal, local disclosure laws, regulatory actions, and the use of civil litigations. This means that homeland security partners will be assure that sharing their information with the government will not reveal sensitive or proprietary data and only trained certified Federal, State, and local government employees or contractors may have access to the agreement from PCII with strict, safeguarding, and handling of information …show more content…

With the perspective of the civil liberties, the use of the fusion centers could put private sector’s data and sensitive information from the fusion centers in the private sector may even raise concerns that are more serious. However, the fusion centers should reassure that they would not be sharing any personal identifiable information with private individuals or entities. In addition, to show they would not be sharing any information only if it was necessary to the law enforcement functions (Constitution Challenge

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