
Prevention And Control Of Communicable Diseases Essay

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Infections disease prevention and control and communicable and infectious disease risks are important topics that every student nurse should be exposed to during the nursing program. The impact and threats that these infectious diseases cause an effect on society and global level should be studied. Also, the economic principles to nursing and health care that public health contributes to.

Because improvements in nutrition and sanitation have been made, many epidemics have ended. As longevity of life increases, chronic diseases have taken the place of infectious disease as the leading cause of death. The different modes of transmission, disease development, and disease spectrum are all important factors to consider when studying the transmission of communicable diseases. It is also important to know about emerging infectious diseases. It is important to be aware of these diseases so that signs of these symptoms can be easily recognizable to provide the best patient care.

The CDC has resources that set up a plan for preventing and controlling emerging diseases. Prevention and control of communicable diseases is focused on elimination, eradication. Also, primary, secondary, and tertiary preventions and their role in prevention and control of communicable diseases is important to know. Teaching about immunizations when discharging a child from a hospital admission is an example of primary prevention.

Communicable diseases in some cases can be avoided, or changed. Because

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