
Postpartum Depression

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The Center for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 20 people suffer from depression (2014). Although widely recognized and somewhat easy to diagnose, depression is an ignored and almost hidden, disease. In women, the statistics are especially grim for those who are pregnant or were recently pregnant. A great number of women suffer from postpartum depression; an illness which is often overlooked, misdiagnosed and untreated. Postpartum depression (PPD) has been defined as an emotional disorder that occurs in an estimated 10-15% of all women after childbirth (Liberto, 2010). Postpartum depression not only impacts the mother, but can cause long-term psychological challenges for the baby and create emotional turmoil for all family members.
Symptoms …show more content…

Identifying and treating physical health issues of the baby after birth is a natural part of follow-up care, but emotional well-being care of the mother generally is not. In an article titled “Panel Calls for Depression Screenings During and After Pregnancy”, author Pam Belluck argues that screening all expectant women should be recommended due to the high probability of mental health issues emerging afterwards. “The recommendation, expected to galvanize many more health providers to provide screening, comes in the wake of new evidence that maternal illness is more common than previously thought…” (2016). If more screening took place for women in the after care of pregnancy, there could be a reduction of pregnancy induced mental illnesses, since those affected would be identified earlier and …show more content…

Society must realize postpartum depression is treatable and manageable. Depression of any kind is a serious illness that requires not only further study, but a shift in thinking so it is less misunderstood and more widely recognized. Early identification of PPD symptoms must be increased in order to alleviate the tremendous burden this illness causes on families and new mothers and while current diagnosis practices are expanding to include earlier identification and increasing successful treatment, it is critical that the medical community work together to expand and add to the prevention of postpartum depression. In conjunction with a greater tolerance and understanding of this mostly hidden disease, perhaps depression will no longer be such a hidden and misunderstood mental

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