
Political Party Issues

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Political Party Issues In political campaigns, the viewpoints of the individual candidates are often reflective of the positions of their political parties. In the upcoming presidential election, there are issues which have the power to divide the nation. One of the most divisive issues at present is the question of gay marriage and whether or not the federal government should weigh in on what has thus far been a states' rights issue. Both on the state and national levels, the perspective of the people in the various political jurisdictions will determine the way in which they vote. If a party agrees with the population's view on an issue, the people will be more likely to vote with that party. The two major parties, the Republicans and Democrats, have officially been against gay marriage although a few have differed from the party's position. Less is known where some of the "third" parties, such as the Green Party, Libertarian Party, and Constitution Party, stand on the issue. I support same-sex marriage because I see no valid arguments against it. The majority of arguments against gay marriage are based on religious perspective. In the United States, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Therefore, religion should not have a place in either the formulation or implementation of legislation, including questions of who has the right to get married in this country. The Green Party was founded with the intention of making

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