
Police Brutality And The Police

Decent Essays

With the recent shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO and the resulting riots, the aggressive actions taken by police units has been pulled back into the spotlight, and law enforcement’s right to use force has been drawn into deep debate. People are angry and cannot seem to understand why the police use force when and where they do. The have come to equate the use of force with police brutality when in reality it is a system of steps that are designed to protect innocent bystanders from potentially dangerous situations. The public’s misunderstanding of use of force and how it is designed to be used has damaged community relations between the people and the police, making it harder for law enforcement officers to work alongside those they are sworn to protect.
Unfortunately, members of the community often think that police officers shoot now, and ask questions later. The resistance to the police’s right to use force is inflamed by cases like that of Michael Brown, where it is discovered that the subject was unarmed at the time the police used force against them. The public tends to think that unarmed means non-threatening, and do not take into account the unique situation that the police were involved in at the time of the incident. In order for public relations with police departments to improve, people need to know and understand how police use the continuum, and assess situations in the field, in order to determine what level of force is appropriate. The

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