
Piaget's Theory Of Lev Vygotsky

Decent Essays

Lev Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist, whose theory is focused on developmental psychology, but sadly since he passed away very young at the age of 38, not a lot of his theory was translated to English until recently. However, some of his theories that were passed on had a great impact on the society and is receiving a spotlight in the current world that we live in. Unlike Jean Piaget, another psychologist who studied developmental theory during his time, Vygotsky’s theory focuses on the impact that society and culture has on a child’s cognitive development. His theory is called Vygotsky’s sociocultural cognitive developmental theory and along with that he has constructed zone of proximal development and also focused on how language is important …show more content…

One of the difference between Vygotsky and Piaget’s theory is that since Piaget’s theories are focused around specific stages, it is a universal development theory but Vygotsky’s theory states that since the development of a person differs through culture and society it is not a universal development. Certainly, without a doubt that the specific culture a child is exposed to have a huge impact on child’s development. For example, if a child grows up in a culture that use an abacus instead of a calculator it will be natural for the child to take up abacus as a tool for calculation. However, the problem here again is the validity to call this a cognitive development or not. Vygotsky seemed to believe that it is a cognitive development as it requires the child’s cognitive understanding to apply what was thought to them by their parents and teachers to their own skill. Quoting Mamour Chor Turuk, “Students do not merely copy teachers‟ capabilities; rather they transform what teachers offer them during the processes of appropriation.” (Turuk, n.d.) whose quote opposes the critiques in the above

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